Sunday, November 22, 2009

I Thee Wed

Erin and Charles got married on Saturday!! So crazy. The wedding was very unique and I really liked it. I think everyone in the audience felt blessed as they left. Well maybe not everyone. It definitely was not a typical wedding. It was longer, more centered on God's love than the couple's love, hence lots of worship music, reading from Song of Songs, communion, etc. I loved all the music selected for the ceremony. And Jessica Touchton was in town and sang angelically!

At the reception, Erin called all the single ladies into this one room and had married women hand out roses to each of us. This was in place of the traditional bouquet toss. Each rose had a promise attached to it and a blank side for us to ask God to speak a promise to each of us later. It was a really neat idea. It made everyone feel so valued as a woman and not depressed about being single. It was especially cool being encouraged by Erin, who is in her mid '30s and has been to many many weddings wondering when it would be her turn.

The rose I got had this attached: "For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God will be without power or without the impossibility of fulfillment."

I asked God for a specific promise I could cling to and this is what he gave me: "I AM THE KING OF YOUR HEART, AND I WILL SURELY RULE WELL OVER THE MATTERS OF MY KINGDOM IN YOU."

Thank you, Lord!!! I relinquish all rights to control. I relinquish the right to be married by 30 years old. I give you the freedom to guide and direct my future. Life is worth the living just because you live! Thank you that you see me as your bride and that you are ravished by my beauty. Thank you that you truly satisfy me and that I find contentment in you for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health...You're so good to me, Jesus!

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